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Musical Instrument

The origin of good music comes from the combination of good sounds of musical instrumentation and accompanied with good thinking. ....creating a world where music inspires is our ultimate goal. And when music hits you its just the beginning of inspiration. We teach music online!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

5 Reasons Why Good Instrumentalists or Musicans may perform better in a corporate world.


By A.F. John

a.k.a. Ark Johnson

There are so many benefits one can gain being a good instrumentalist but this article will provide you with 5 core corporate expertise you can develop from playing a musical instrument. The playing of an instrument helps to develop the following skills in you.

It helps to develop your time management and organizational skills.
Time management is vital, because there are only a fixed number of hours in a day; days make up a week, weeks in a month, months into a year and years in your lifetime.   The process of learning in playing an instrument requires a lot of hard work within a space of time and this practice builds your time management and organizational skills. How? A professional musician values rehearsals more than anything in the world. There’s a saying among musicians that goes something like this: …amateur practices until he gets it right …professional practices until he never gets it wrong. Here, dedication comes in and when that is in place, there is wise usage of time and organization. In other words, he/she keeps a calendar and learns how to tell time. However, this article separate itself from the unserious kind of instrumentalists that are much today; instrumentalists that come for rehearsals one hour after the start of a rehearsal; who may lose opportunities in life.

Makes you a team player
Team skills are a very important aspect of being successful in life. Practically, a football team may not come out victorious if there is no connectedness, integration and consistent practice with one another. Playing a musical instrument requires more than your presence in a band. It requires your full dedication to the team by blending and going along with your band in any performance or rehearsal knowing well that a mistake made by one person in the band is a mistake made by all. Good listeners are essential for teams to function effectively. No wonder in the corporate world, Human Resources (HR) ask during interviews that “are you a team player” or “do you like working in a team”? So being a team player is very essential not only in the music and corporate world but in every aspect of life.

Enhances your mental coordination.
Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and accurately. This may involve the senses, muscular contractions and joint movements. Everything that we participate in requires the ability to coordinate our limbs to achieve a successful outcome The art of playing an instrument is no difference and it requires a lot of high minded coordinating ability and this is very common with professional musicians or instrumentalists. By virtue of reading and digesting musical notes on a page, takes a lot of critical thinking ability as it helps you develop a fast comprehension skill. This is how the process works; your brain subconsciously converts the musical notes you read into specific motor patterns while also adding breathing and rhythm to the mix. This specific motor pattern prompts an action in you to display all the skills you can which requires a lot of critical thinking. Not everybody can do a critical thinking in the corporate world but “professional” instrumentalist and musicians can do.

Boosts your listening skills.
This section actually brings us to the question; the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a physical ability while listening is a skill that can be learned. Listening skills allow one to make sense of and understand what another person is saying. Listening is the real way of cognition and not to misunderstand or misinterpret a given information or data. There are different grades, degrees, of listening. A music philosopher once said that "the ability to listen well is a very important skill" requiring "training and practice." When the ear is trained far beyond mere hearing to listening in its most refined form, then the "internal ear" the mind´s integration of auditory sensations actually becomes a performer, imitating vocal or instrumental music. Nothing is more sublime than a piece of beautiful music, confirming the importance of the skill of listening.  Tuning your instrument means hearing if the pitch you're playing is high (sharp) or low (flat). When playing in an ensemble, you have to listen for the melody and play softer if you're the supporting part (accompaniment). There are too many examples to list every possibility here, but by playing an instrument you are guaranteed to improve your listening skills. However, the ability to convert what you have heard actively to a physical action is what is called creativity.

Builds up your creativity
Imaginative ability: the ability to use the imagination to develop new and original ideas or things, especially in an artistic context. Good instrumentalists or musicians are highly creative set of individuals. This can be seen in the aspect of scoring songs. If you are a musician you would know what I mean. Scoring songs is never easy and also requires active listening but what brings about creativity is the ability for musicians or instrumentalists to refine songs they score and present a more profound instrumentation than the scored songs. That is why we have so many adaptations of old time music being integrated into our today’s music in a more profound manner and techniques. Also, studies have shown that students who play instruments or study the arts perform better in their grades at school. And this will actually setup a pace and a platform for them to explore the social activities of their environment.

From all the sections above, you will agree with me that playing a musical instrument has some benefits that will be very useful even when you get to the corporate world and hopefully that will motivate you to keep on practicing and always hold music in high esteem. Whenever you come across challenges as a musician, think about the end results and always remind yourself of all the great reasons you love to play.

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